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Da:  lorello (openweb)
A: 18.01.2006 17:39
Argomento: Piantamento server

Alle 14 circa il server si e' piantato. Nei log di apache c'e' qualcosa di
strano, sembra che PHPAccelerator (modulo di apache che fa da cache
all'interprete del php) si sia impantanato per qualche motivo, il difficile
e' capire su che sito... mi era gia' capitato che un sito fatto con TikiWiki
(uno dei tanti wiki) piantasse PHPA e di conseguenza tutto il server... forse
e' un caso analogo.


Jan 18 14:04:00 ensim [19484]: Validation succeeded
Jan 18 14:05:00 ensim [19759]: Validation succeeded
Jan 18 14:06:02 ensim [20190]: Validation succeeded
Jan 18 14:07:01 ensim [20487]: Validation succeeded
Jan 18 16:54:29 ensim syslogd 1.4.1: restart.
Jan 18 16:54:29 ensim syslog: syslogd startup succeeded
Jan 18 16:54:28 ensim keytable: Loading system font: succeeded
Jan 18 16:54:28 ensim random: Initializing random number generator: succeeded
Jan 18 16:54:32 ensim [822]: Validation succeeded


exist: /home/virtual/site96/fst/var/www/html/images/navbg_dn.gif
[Tue Jan 17 13:27:57 2006] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/virtual/site96/fst/var/www/html/images/navbg_dn.gif
[Tue Jan 17 13:37:14 2006] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/virtual/site66/fst/var/www/html/gestigas/favicon.ico
[Tue Jan 17 13:51:24 2006] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /var/www/html/flyingfish/229hist.asp
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:26 2006] [notice] child pid 26672 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:35 2006] [warn-phpa] Stale process 26672 detected (pid
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:35 2006] [notice-phpa] PHPA 1.3.3r1 on linux_i686_glibc2.1.3
(pid 28708)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:35 2006] [notice-phpa] Initialised 32MB cache at 0x40e44000
with 512 process entries (pid 28708)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:35 2006] [notice-phpa] Lock thresholds 10/10 (pid 28708)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:35 2006] [notice] child pid 28708 exit signal Segmentation
fault (11)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:39 2006] [warn-phpa] Lock held by pid 28708 for > 10 seconds
(pid 28709)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:39 2006] [warn-phpa] Lock held by pid 28708 for > 10
seconds. PHPA will break it. (pid 28709)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:39 2006] [warn-phpa] Detected header locked by dead process
pid 28708 (pid 28709)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:39 2006] [warn-phpa] Released header lock (pid 28709)
[Tue Jan 17 13:58:39 2006] [warn-phpa] Possible shm cache instability - cache
marked to reinitialise (pid 28709)
[Tue Jan 17 14:13:24 2006] [error] xml processing instruction not at start of
external entity at line 3, column 0
[Tue Jan 17 14:13:41 2006] [error] mismatched tag at line 74, column 34
[Tue Jan 17 14:16:21 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 34,
column 74
[Tue Jan 17 14:17:13 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 76,
column 665
[Tue Jan 17 14:18:06 2006] [error] xml processing instruction not at start of
external entity at line 3, column 0
[Tue Jan 17 14:18:07 2006] [error] mismatched tag at line 74, column 34
[Tue Jan 17 14:19:21 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line
300, column 17
[Tue Jan 17 14:19:26 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 34,
column 74
[Tue Jan 17 14:19:47 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 76,
column 665
[Tue Jan 17 14:20:56 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 80,
column 30
[Tue Jan 17 14:21:56 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 36,
column 16
[Tue Jan 17 14:22:09 2006] [error] junk after document element at line 2,
column 0
[Tue Jan 17 15:03:25 2006] [error] [client] File does not
exist: /home/virtual/site78/fst/var/www/html/upload/img/book/!ErbeInTavola.jpg
[Tue Jan 17 16:13:15 2006] [error] xml processing instruction not at start of
external entity at line 3, column 0
[Tue Jan 17 16:13:57 2006] [error] mismatched tag at line 74, column 34
[Tue Jan 17 16:15:24 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line
300, column 17
[Tue Jan 17 16:16:10 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 34,
column 74
[Tue Jan 17 16:16:41 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line
136, column 665
[Tue Jan 17 16:18:06 2006] [error] xml processing instruction not at start of
external entity at line 3, column 0
[Tue Jan 17 16:18:10 2006] [error] mismatched tag at line 74, column 34
[Tue Jan 17 16:18:55 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line
300, column 17
[Tue Jan 17 16:19:33 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line
136, column 665
[Tue Jan 17 16:20:07 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 80,
column 30
[Tue Jan 17 16:20:41 2006] [error] not well-formed (invalid token) at line 36,
column 16
[Tue Jan 17 16:20:42 2006] [error] junk after document element at line 2,
column 0
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:38 2006] [notice] SIGUSR1 received. Doing graceful restart
Processing config directory: /etc/appliance/apacheconf
Processing config file: /etc/appliance/apacheconf/apache
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] Removed existing cache sems (pid
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] Removed existing cache shm (pid
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] Acquiring cache : uid 48 gid 48 perms
666 (pid 11896)
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] PHPA 1.3.3r1 on linux_i686_glibc2.1.3
(pid 11896)
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] Initialised 32MB cache at 0x42e9f000
with 512 process entries (pid 11896)
[Tue Jan 17 16:52:45 2006] [notice-phpa] Lock thresholds 10/10 (pid 11896)


Lorenzo Salvadorini > Coop. Soc. Il Gabbiano a rl Onlus
[Tel] 050 0986120 [Segr.Tel.] 02 303124491 [skype] lorenzo.salvadorini
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