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CiviCRM is the first open source and freely downloadable constituent
relationship management solution. CiviCRM is web-based, open source,
internationalized, and designed specifically to meet the needs of
advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.
http://civicrm.org/ |
2006/11/17, Gabriele Francescotto <[email protected]>:
> CiviCRM is the first open source and freely downloadable constituent
> relationship management solution. CiviCRM is web-based, open source,
> internationalized, and designed specifically to meet the needs of
> advocacy, non-profit and non-governmental groups.
> http://civicrm.org/
L'avevo visto tempo fa, ma non e' che sia granche'... ne mi pare di
averci visto feature "designed specifically" per chissacche'... mi
sembra un CRM come altri... mi sono perso qualcosa? |